Grab Our New Ebook on 21st Century Leadership!


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Great advice
Students take note, how you can make the most of getting a complete well rounded educational experience.

Everyone could use leadership skills
And this podcast gives you the information in an approachable and easily digestible format!

Creative & Effective
There are so many leadership podcasts but this one stands out among the pack. It's a unique perspective that gives you actionable advice, information and inspiration!

Great Stuff Bob
I needed to hear some of this today! I already subscribed too!

We all need better leadership skills
Bob and his guests really get it. Make sure you take a listen to this to learn how you can be a better leader. You’ll be glad you spent your time doing this. Download and listen in your car…’s how I do it.

Great variety of interviewees bringing well rounded information
Bob does a great job on bringing together a variety of interviews that give us a well rounded perspective for coaching and leadership - well done Bob - keep moving forward.

Great Show!
Loving this show! Great content that is informative, innovative and inspiring!

Great show and amazing content
This is a great show if you want to build leadership skills!

This is awesome!
These are some great tips and insight into something I have only wondered about before!

Great Podcast
Excellent podcast for any business leader! Down to earth but definitely good advice that means business

Love this show!
Great concept and education on becoming and staying a great leader who is approachable. I didn't understand the title of the show until I started listening and of course it makes perfect sense! Thank you for this work!

Great Show!
Such a great show filled with exactly what you need to move the needle. Bob is not only a man of action, but he brings you such valuable content consistently. Keep up the great work!

Demystifying leadership…
Some GREAT, fresh insights on management and leadership here. I feel like there’s so much you need to know to be a good leader… and Bob and Alex unpack a lot of it! :)

Great show!
I love what you’re doing with this podcast Bob! Keep em’ coming!

Seasoned Radio
Bob Nolley has a seasoned quality to his interviews and warmness to his hosting of the interviews he captures. An entrepreneurial interview style show with a set of guests that seem to be in a "take their shoes off" sense of comfortability. This show has better than average soundbedding and creative use of music.

what a great leadership show
The host is fantastic. Full of helpful information. delivers a great talk.

Love this podcast. Where has this been all my life!?

Great back and forth between hosts
Great mix of fun and informative that makes the show one you want to return to. Thanks Bob and Alex!

How to become an authentic leader
Dr. Bob Nolley is a long-time expert on the topic of leadership. In episode #59 he discusses with sidekick Alex Mossa why leaders of organizations should expect Liberal Arts majors to be equally if not more effective and creative problem solvers in the workplace than more technically oriented MBA graduates or individuals with business-focused degrees. I happen to know this space pretty well and he’s absolutely right in his thinking about this issue. Net: this is a fine podcast and he and Alex do a wonderful job from stem to stern of delving into intricate issues that relate to all facets of leadership and uncovering actionable ideas and insights. Bravo to you both and best wishes!

So Need This Show!
Awesome show. Glad I found this podcast!

Great insight. Great stories.
Learn excellent principles through real life stories and banter!

Whether working or in the corporate world, this is for you!
A leadership podcast that guides you as you step up and take on the role. A must listen!!

Leadership Lab Extraordinaire
Wow! The actionable steps provided within the content of this podcast are out of this world. I especially like the Frank Gustafson episode. This is a leadership laboratory that provides outstanding value to it listeners. Highly recommend!

Easy to listen to…and Informative
The hosts, Alex and Bob, have a great back and forth in a very relaxed way plus they’ve put together a huge amount of information here! Lots of guests, lots of topics…it’s easy to pick and choose which ones I want to listen to first and then go further from there. Nice work!

Love the positivity on this show. Bob and Alex have a great interaction and make the drive into work enjoyable. I get some great leadership insights wrapped in a positive outlook. Great show!

Fantastic show!
All to often we forget that we should be leading and not just expecting. If you want to be a good leader, this podcast should be on your regular listening list.

Dr. Bob knows his stuff
I was a fan of Labrador Leadership before I was asked to be a guest. Now I like the show even more because I understand the art and science of how Bob interviews and gets the best out of each episode. 5 Stars in my book.

Deep & Thought Provoking
I listed to episode 47 (the latest one as of this writing). I was drawn in more and more the longer I listened. Clearly, Bob Nolley had done some excellent thinking and research for this episode. He raises several very good concerns with valid points about what is wrong with USA and how things are going now. I can think of examples to support his statements. This is my kind of show. I probably will need a dose of Bob Nolley again very soon. I highly recommend this show for anyone looking for real substantive leadership discussion and info.

Fathers Day
Love Bob Nolley and listening to his expertise and knoweldge on Leadership and Coaching. I always like to hear about the person behind the microphone. Love listening to this show where we get to hear you chat with your son and learn some more about you. Great Show Bob

Very interesting!
I can't wait to share this information with my colleagues!